Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jesus' Bible

Most Americans have no idea what the Bible says, much less about whether or not they believe it. It stands to reason to thinking people that one would actually have to read it to disagree. Sadly, most people just don't have time to think about it in our age of distraction. I have actually talked to people who thought Jesus carried an English New Testament around with him. I just don't have the words to express my thoughts on that one.

Really, read this.

1 comment:

  1. To continue on that line of thought, you are quite right, oh 'searcher of true things'. The Old Testament (which Jesus described in Luke 24:44, as the law, and the prophes, and the psalms) is the only scripture that was available in the days when Jesus was upon the earth, and for years afterward. The New Testament, which describes the kingdom of God, and the new covenant of faith, was written by the apostles because Jesus commanded them to 'teach all nations...all things whatsoever I have commanded you': Matthew 28:19-20; and that is where the New Testament came from.
    II Timothy 3:16-17 gives authenticity and authority to the whole bible (Old and New Testament), and its true purpose is stated in II Timothy 2:15. And, though the world of non-believers is proud to call the members of the Church (of many denominations) 'hypocrites', when they don't even know the true meaning of the word. Neither do most believers; and also, most believers don't know many of the true principles of God, though they are clearly expressed concisely in the bible. Gotta love 'em anyhow, for God does. And I want every person in the world to go go heaven with me when our lives are over, so I can bask in eternity with all of them! (Isaiah 28:9-10)
