Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Evil Holidays

Merry Christmas! Hope I didn't offend you. If I did, you need to toughen up. Apparently you're a whiner. Run to your mommy and tell her an evil man said something that hurt your feelings. Call your lawyer. It's the new American way. What a bunch of idiots. Everything that is traditional is becoming offensive. Christians are offensive. Christmas is offensive. Free speech is offensive. Where will it end? Even the military is screwed. They're letting women in. That in itself is not offensive. What is offensive is that the women don't have to do as much to qualify. Why not? If they want to be a fighting man, go to the gym and build up your muscles so you can pass the test. Stop wussing up our country. Someday we will be subject to another country's will. I wish all the luck to you wusses. I was raised to deal with problems, not go whining to my mommy or a lawyer or congressman (congressperson for you wuss women). Okay, now that brings up another thing. Women rebelled against their being different from men. They started wearing pants and demanding that each word has to be scrutinized to make sure it is gender-inclusive. Then they wanted to be chairpersons instead of chairmen. Since they're trying to be men, why wouldn't they want to be a chairman? It's a title and it's not gender specific. On Star Trek they have it right. Whoever is the commander - male or female - they are called Sir. Why don't people get lives and quit whining? Merry Christmas.

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